Nowadays we live our organization receives hundreds of negative, external factors, with the result that it can process them. As a consequence occurring increasingly often health problems cause "stress, anxiety, psychological stress, etc." Neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, insomnia, ulcers, pain, constipation, allergies, intolerances ... we could continue for a long time so ... are among the most common disorders of our body. What can we do; To live with it, to suppress the symptoms with medication by trying one drug after another, or to grasp the problem from the root. Biofeedback and radioniki treatment allows our body to get the breath of need without the extra burden. Exissoropoiei his body disorders, restores the immune system and its functions and provides energy where you need it. Through a simple control can have an overview of the current state of the organization, noting immediately that there are disturbances. With the help of therapeutic device regulated all these, giving the body again a exissoropoiimeni fitness.